My alien

This is my fantastic alien.   His name is Fuzzyface. He lives on Planet Luna .Planet Luna has NO sun at all. Fuzzyface has an enormous round fuzzy and furry head. He has chocolate brown coloured hair. Fuzzyface has one deadly eye and two sharp fangs. He has long horns which are dead straght. Fuzzyface has cat whiskers which are bendy.  You can twist them if you ask nicely. My alien has huge toes. He has red rosey cheeks. Next I ll tell you about his body. Fuzzyface has long spectacular hair. He has a long dog’s tail. It is super long and milo brown. Fuzzyface has dog legs. He can run as fast as lightning. He has black bat wings. He only comes to play on a full moon because he has no sun.

And that is my alien.                               By Liam

All about me


  1. I love puppies.
  2. I like to do gardening..
  3. I like to play with my friends.
  4. I have the best teacher ever.
  5. I have the best friends.
  6. I love ANIMALS.
  7.  I went to Melbourne in 2011.
  8. When I grow up I want to be a vet.
  9. My birthday is on December the 25th.
  10. I love Labradors.